How to Use scrape by in a Sentence
scrape by
phrasal verb-
Alexander quit her job and spent the next two years of the pandemic scraping by.
—Federica Cocco, Washington Post, 3 July 2023
Living with just her three youngest now, the mother must put them all to work in order to just scrape by.
—Dennis Harvey, Variety, 8 Dec. 2023
We’re all fed up with seeing the rich get richer while the rest of us just continue to scrape by.
—Chris Isidore, CNN, 12 Sep. 2023
Airbnb did not confirm the numbers in the data scraped by Inside Airbnb.
—Amanda Hoover, WIRED, 9 Oct. 2023
Of every team that has started 12-1, the Chiefs have scraped by with a record low scoring margin.
—Andrew Greif, NBC News, 10 Dec. 2024
Aldo has been forced to leave behind his home, his wife, and his newborn son to scrape by with low-paying jobs in Turin.
—Anna Marie De La Fuente, Variety, 30 Aug. 2024
Each time, the country manages to scrape by, finding more money to help people who need it.
—Zoë Schlanger, The Atlantic, 5 Oct. 2024
The bottom line is that the Texans were scraping by mediocre opponents while the Ravens were smashing some of the league’s best teams.
—Childs Walker, Baltimore Sun, 8 Jan. 2024
The show scraped by for three seasons before being cancelled.
—Daniel Immerwahr, The New Yorker, 25 Nov. 2024
Those rules produced top-heavy payrolls that see some players get paid well while others scrape by.
—Kevin Baxter, Los Angeles Times, 20 June 2023
Musicians, authors, and visual artists can no longer scrape by with talent, hard work, and good looks alone.
—Celia Ford, Vox, 5 June 2024
Shopkeepers and trinket vendors scraping by on $6 a day are among the few on the streets from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., when scorching heat makes Hodeida feel like a ghost town.
—Kareem Fahim, Washington Post, 12 Oct. 2023
Caught in the middle, though, are millions of Americans who are barely scraping by.
—Terry Savage, Chicago Tribune, 14 Aug. 2023
And plenty of publishers have now taken steps to prevent their websites from being freely scraped by web crawlers.
—Jeremy Kahn, Fortune, 2 Jan. 2024
Nearly two out of every three adults in the U.S. are just scraping by, due to inflationary pressures, according to a new study.
—Bychris Morris, Fortune, 31 Aug. 2023
While Villegas struggled to scrape by on his $500-a-month salary, painting homes to make extra cash, Amorim was seemingly flush.
—Kevin Sieff, Washington Post, 18 July 2024
Researchers would have to scrape by on grants from private entities and limited state funding.
—Owen Tucker-Smith, Anchorage Daily News, 5 Aug. 2023
On Wednesday, the storm scraped by Jamaica’s southern coast, producing flooding rains and wind gusts over 80 mph that destroyed homes and toppled trees and power lines.
—Mary Beth Sheridan, Washington Post, 5 July 2024
Armstrong helped put the answer in context for everyone: Many patients have been homeless, scraping by with little to eat.
—Thomas Curwen, Los Angeles Times, 13 Dec. 2023
Artists who feel their work was scraped by AI without credit or compensation are seeking recourse.
—Angela Watercutter, WIRED, 30 June 2023
Many family child-care providers currently earn less than minimum wage and are barely scraping by, Arias said.
—Jenny Gold, Los Angeles Times, 7 July 2023
But as many South Africans continue to scrape by, voters have become disenchanted.
—John Eligon Prentice Onayemi Anna Diamond Devin Murphy, New York Times, 21 May 2024
Still, that’s often not enough to scrape by in this economy, as the Fight for $15 campaign notes; that group and others now say a $20 minimum wage nationally is a necessity.
—Orianna Rosa Royle, Fortune, 23 June 2024
California's Proposition 1 scraped by with barely more than 50% of the vote in a heavily Democratic state.
—USA TODAY, 29 Mar. 2024
In areas like western Guatemala, where coconut, corn and banana plantations stretch along the highway, many people scrape by at a barely subsistence level.
—Soudi Jiménez, Los Angeles Times, 23 June 2023
Given rising rents and a 14% jump in food prices in Dallas-Fort Worth — the second highest nationwide after Detroit — working people and seniors who had been scraping by can no longer make ends meet.
—Terry Wagner, Dallas News, 29 June 2023
As a graduate of Berklee with her own memories of scraping by as a poor music student in Boston, Rachel Jordan says her investment feels personal.
—Melanie Stetson Freeman, The Christian Science Monitor, 14 Sep. 2023
But for many below-the-line workers, the prolonged strikes and rising costs of living have forced difficult choices: leaving L.A., pivoting to new careers or scraping by with freelance gigs and side hustles.
—Josh Rottenberg, Los Angeles Times, 30 Dec. 2024
Facing a long road to recovery after Hurricane Helene, Asheville musicians fret about scraping by until crowds can come back.
—Elizabeth Robinson, NBC News, 16 Oct. 2024
The family scraped by on their payment plans, retiring the medical debt within a year, with help from Crivilare's side job selling resources for teachers online.
—Noam Levey, NPR, 9 May 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'scrape by.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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